When I’m speaking in schools with children, parents and teachers, one of the main concerns is about the lack of YouTube parental restrictions or controls that are available within YouTube. This is an understandable concern, historically the ability for parents to curate content that is appropriate for the age of their children has been poor,

YouTube Parental Restrictions Read More »

Photo from SafeToNet showing a young girl on a phone advertising their best parental control software free for 1 million UK families

What is the best parental control software? It’s one of the most common questions asked when I visit schools to deliver a parent online safety session. Naturally, parents want to keep their children safe online and whilst education is the most important aspect of all, we can use technology to help us. But one of

What is the best parental control software? Read More »

Image sharing resources for teens and parents: CEOP have issued some new guidance for teenagers regarding sharing nudes. I think this would be good for parents as well; the advice given to students in school should be replicated with advice at home. Click HERE to go to the article. In addition, CEOP have also created

Online Safety Update 20th May 2019 Read More »

With over 1.5 billion users, any hack on WhatsApp is a concerning one, particularly when WhatsApp (and Facebook who own WhatsApp) shout from the rooftops about privacy and security. It has been announced today (14th May 2019) that WhatsApp are urging all users to update their app due to a security bug (being reported as

WhatsApp Attacked with Spyware – Update your App Read More »