Over the years I have been very lucky to deliver online safety education and training to a very wide range of organisations including schools and colleges, charities, police, sports organisations, youth organisations, solicitors, local government and more.
On this page you will find a range of online safety training and education services for schools and colleges covering staff, students and parents.
If you are an organization other than a school or college please feel free to get in touch to see if I can help whether that is for a one-off project or a more strategic partnership.
Training Delivery and Costs
I am happy to deliver training to you in a variety of ways to fit your needs:
- Face to face in school/college.
- Pre-recorded videos.
- Virtual webinars.
COSTS: With the exception of pre-recorded videos it isn’t possible to give accurate costs on this page due to a range of factors such as time in school, travel, whether I need a hotel etc. Generally I have a half-day and a full day cost plus expenses on top. If you are considering inviting me to your school just send me an email with brief requirements and I will be happy to provide you with a quotation.
Online safety for staff can be delivered face-to-face, via a webinar or pre-recorded video. The latter is very popular as it is cost-effective and flexible to the needs of staff who are already very busy.
Regardless of the delivery, all staff sessions are presented in the same way. Lasting for just over an hour I cover the the main areas where we find children and young people (games, YouTube and social media) and within those areas I cover the motivations, risks and issues as well as plenty of examples and appropriate advice according to age, as well as requirements/updates related to KCSiE.
Video Recordings
I re-record and update the staff videos every August to ensure they are up to date in terms of risks, guidance and legislation. Upon purchase you are granted a 12 month licence to watch the video as many times as you wish (e.g. new starters). The video can be streamed in school, downloaded to the school network or you can send the link to staff to watch when it suits them.
All videos are high quality 4K. If you would like to check the quality and the way in which I speak there is an example below.
The cost for the pre-recorded video is £95.00 plus VAT per school. If you are a MAT or purchasing for multiple schools/sites please contact me for a discount.
The online safety lead and/or designated safeguarding lead needs to have a greater breadth and depth of knowledge in relation to risks/issues, management of online safety, curriculum requirements, parental engagement and much more.
The Online Safety Leads course is an online course delivered on my learning platform Online Safety Pro. You get 12 months access and a professionally printed certificate on completion.
- Managing Online Safety – 16 modules covering everything from risks related to gaming, YouTube and social media, cyber trauma, curriculum, parent engagement and much more.
- Risks and Issues – 16 modules covering a diverse range of topics from doxxing to deepfakes, decoy apps and a whole lot more.
- For full details of what is covered you can see my learning platform HERE.
The cost per person is £95.00 (plus VAT).
There are 3 options for parents: physical in school, webinar and pre-recorded videos.
In-School or Webinar
The topics covered are the same for staff but the delivery, supporting advice and guidance is tailored from a parental perspective. The talks are age-appropriate although I will often delve into other age ranges as parents may have older/younger children.
I encourage parents to ask as many questions as time allows, both during and after the talk. If there is anything I can’t answer I will find out the answer and communicate this back to the school.
Pre-Recorded Videos
Getting parents into school, staff having to stay late. Engaging with parents has always been a challenge for many reasons, yet arguably parents are one of the most important factors when it comes to online safety. To help with this, I have created a range of videos for parents which are updated frequently to ensure the information is up to date.
How does it work? On purchase you are granted a 12 month licence. You will be sent a MS Word document with the supporting text, links and video links for 7 emails which you can copy/paste into your own school email and send to parents at a frequency that suits you, e.g. weekly.
Cost: £149.00 plus VAT per school for a 12 month licence. If you are multi-site or a MAT send me an email for a discount.
Similar to staff training, it is important that governors have a good understanding of online safety so that they can effectively support your school in relation to risks, issues, statutory requirements and more.
I have a pre-recorded 1 hour video which is updated and re-recorded every August and takes governors through all of these aspects to support them in their role.
The cost of the video is £95.00 plus VAT for a 12 month licence.
There are two options for students – in-school visit and pre-recorded videos (videos are secondary/college only).
All online safety lessons with students are tailored to their age/key stage. I talk with them on a large range of different subjects, all tied to online safety and wellbeing in line with your curriculum. I don’t do ‘scary’, all my talks are informative, non-judgemental and give appropriate support and advice.
I speak with students about the spaces they are in, namely their games, YouTube and social media and there’s good reason for that. If you talk about these spaces in their language, using real examples, the positive impact is greater because they can apply what they are learning to their world.
It can sometimes be a challenge to engage students with online safety, particularly older students (“Oh no, the dreaded online safety talk”). A good tip is to ask them what they would like to know, e.g. what questions they have. I can answer their questions and within the answers I can diversify and inject specific safeguarding advice. It’s a win-win, the students get the advice they have asked for, the school delivers what needs to be delivered.
Cost are based on time in school (usually half or full day) plus travel/expenses. Please contact me with your requirements and I will be happy to give you an indication of costs.
Pre-Recorded Videos
Specifically for secondary/college students, this is a series of 10 short video (8-11 minutes) on a diverse range of subjects which fit within the national curriculum.
Recorded in August 2023 the videos are designed to be used:
- To raise awareness of a subject during assembly.
- To be used at the beginning of a lesson to promote discussion/debate.
All the videos follow the same format: what is it, what do we know, what can we do?
For full details of all the videos, including a full sample video, click HERE.
Managing Online Safety
When you’re already busy in school wearing a multitude of different hats, it can be difficult knowing where your school sits in regards to best online safety practice.
The 360Safe tool from South West Grid for Learning is a free self-assessment tool used by thousands of schools which covers all the different aspects of online safety in school.
This can take a lot of time to complete, but as an accredited 360Safe assessor I can help you with this by coming to your school and completing an audit in a half-day, then spending a further half-day filling out the 360 tool on your behalf and writing a report for you giving any areas of concern, priorities, and advice to move forward along with ongoing support.
I have carried out hundreds of online safety audits, including on behalf of Multi-Academy Trusts in order that they can co-ordinate a standardised approach across all their schools.
Free Online Safety Weekly Update
This free online safety update is delivered to you via email each Wednesday during school term time. Within the update I will share a range of information including: any new risks and issues I have come across when I am out and about in schools, any new and free curriculum resources I find (and would be happy to recommend), any research which may help us keep children safe, information and links for parents and much more.
There’s no spam, no selling your details to other companies, just useful online safety updates.
When you subscribe you will receive an email which you need to reply to in order to confirm you wish to opt in.