Photo from SafeToNet showing a young girl on a phone advertising their best parental control software free for 1 million UK families

What is the best parental control software?

What is the best parental control software?

It’s one of the most common questions asked when I visit schools to deliver a parent online safety session.

Naturally, parents want to keep their children safe online and whilst education is the most important aspect of all, we can use technology to help us. But one of the problems is that there are so many products out there, particularly for mobile devices, some of which are free and some cost considerable amounts of money, often on a monthly basis.

I’m usually a bit of a cynic when it comes to free, which is probably a little unfair, but free quite often means little functionality or stuffed full of ads.

Best parental control software, free for life,
for 1 million UK families.


The SafeToNet Foundation is a registered charity and award-winning British privacy-focussed SafetyTech company whose mission is to achieve a safe internet for children globally by providing knowledge and digital tools to advance online protections from, and resilience to online harms. It does this by:

  • Supporting initiatives that advance the digital resilience of children, young people and vulnerable adults in relation to content, conduct and contact on the internet or social media. It will support initiatives that promote the healthy mental wellbeing of those affected by online harms.
  • Promoting education and awareness of online safety and online issues to parents, children, teachers and others.
  • Funding research into such issues, the useful results which will be disseminated for the public benefit.
SafeToNet is making available 1 million licenses of their safeguarding software to families of the United Kingdom free of charge, for life. This is an incredible offer, I haven’t seen anything like it before in all my years. But be quick, parents have until midnight on the 1st August 2020 to register details and activate the app.

Click the button below to go to the registration page and help keep your children safe.