Twitter in School: Policy, Liability, Safe Use

Twitter is a fantastic service and is proven time and time again to enhance the education of our children.

In the download below I have created a brief guide for schools who would like to use Twitter or perhaps already are. This is not a “how to use Twitter” guide, but briefly goes into policy, liability to the school, and the safe usage along with some tips and advice.

This is version 1.0, created on 5th April 2012. I will expand this document in the coming weeks so if you have any questions or would like to see anything else please drop me an email (

In the meantime, I hope you find it useful. If you do, please share. If you don’t please let me know why.

Please download from HERE

2 thoughts on “Twitter in School: Policy, Liability, Safe Use”

    1. Esafety Adviser

      Hi Megan,

      Yes they can, in much the same way that children are exposed to all sorts of risks in the real world as in the virtual world, which is why it is very important that all children and young people are empowered with the information on how to be safe whether on Twitter, Facebook or any other online or real world activity.

      Just because there is a risk, it doesn’t mean something shouldn’t be done; it means that the risk has to be reduced to a level where it is acceptable.

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