Is social media a negative influence?


Social media gets the blame for a lot of things that are wrong with the world, but personally I think it has the power for enormous good; those that have heard me speak in schools will be aware of the personal examples that I give to back this up.

With that said, social media can be very influential in all walks of life, and all ages, but particularly young people.  We’re continually bombarded with stories of people who have to get the right selfie to look good, or teens who are ‘addicted‘ to selfies (a term I’m not comfortable with) and their use of sites and apps to determine whether they’re ‘hot or not‘.

This is nothing new, the media has always been influential in one way or another and social media is no different.  But as we’re seeing statistics such as those from Childline showing a significant increase in eating disorders we must question ourselves as a society what we are doing to curb this and to help our children and young people to grow and nurture in a healthy, caring environment, not one where they are continually bombarded with unnatural perfection.